our journey in creating positive change through ABA is taking a step forward as we announce our expansion to raleigh-durham.

Experience the difference with Assent-based ABA Therapy at Applied Behavior Associates, where your loved one's voice and choices are integral to their journey toward growth and development.

Applied Behavior Associates is a Central Savannah River Area (CSRA)-based behavioral health practice, a comprehensive provider of Assent-based ABA Therapy as the key component to our behavioral health services. , founded with one goal in mind – to take our passion and extensive experience and focus on delivering compassionate and individualized care. Our mission is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals and families impacted with Autism Spectrum Disorder or other developmental disabilities, providing comprehensive in-home therapy for children aged 18 months to 18 years, always prioritizing their preferences and consent in the therapeutic process. 

A neurodiverse family-owned practice for neurodiverse families.


Whether or not this is your first experience with ABA services, Congratulations! Each step marks an important step in your ABA journey. How do I know this? Because I'm an autism mom, who has pursued the same services for my children.

What started as an idea – a better way to serve my children and my family – evolved into a movement more meaningful than I could have ever imagined. This meaningful movement has lead me to each member of our team - a team that boasts 25 years of behavioral health experience- and has positioned us to welcome you to our extended family. 

OUR GOAL IS TO BETTER SERVE THE NEURODIVERSE COMMUNITY OF the CSRA, by enhancing the quality of life of  individuals living with asd and other developmental disabilities through ABA.

I'm Kimberlie, Founder of Applied Behavior Associates.

Hey there!


"Applied Behavior Associates made this difference for our family in ABA. We went without services for more than a year due to school, scheduling, and the pandemic. We were concerned about the transition in returning to services but the client-based approach and the family support services, simplified the transition for the entire family."

Kind words from our clients

To find out if we work with your provider or if ABA therapy is covered by your insurance plan, contact us today.

We accept most major insurance plans.

contact us

our client community

our client-based approach

Our curated program

get a glimpse into the development of our client-based services. get a feel for the passion and intention that was put into its DEVELOPMENT AND envision the benefits that you will gain.

Curious about what to expect from ABA Services?

schedule a free 30-minute consultation!

Discover the Applied Behavior Associates advantage!

Are you interested in behavior services?

Our client services team will meet with you to discuss your family’s unique needs, and help you navigate the process of obtaining the best services for your child. We understand the stress that can come with finding services for your child and we want to support you in any way we can throughout this process.